About Project?
The team is based. Right Now all are anonymous but they have delivered millions of dollar projects.
  • For Community
  • The Community is the biggest Part!
For Community
The Community is the biggest Part. Team will Ride the Threads Trend!
2% Tax
Their is 2% tax on buying and selling of this token
Total Supply
There will be a total supply of 1 Trillion tokens
  • We are open for WebCam studios and offer special conditions on having your own threads on the platform
  • We are looking for toys producers to integrate our software and control unit into your products
Road Map
Phase 1
  • Setup Social Media
  • Develop Website
  • DEXT Update
  • Website launch
Phase 2
  • Listing on CoinGecko
  • Telegram and twitter influencers
  • Listing on Coinmarketcap
Phase 3
  • DEXT Trending
  • Listing on Major CEX
  • Twitter Ads
Phase 4
  • To Be Announced